13 May 2019

#northquarterCBR Week 7 Finalists

| Editor

It’s Week 7 of our #northquarterCBR competition, and time to announce our next batch of finalists. Only one week to go before we award our next $200 Canberra Centre Gift Card, so keep those Instagrams coming in. In the meantime, check out our latest faves…

Colour contrast lends rich texture to this pic from @spoonfullofcanberra. Oh the crisp chocolate shell, the creamy centre. Perfectly timed shot.

A wonderful shot of vibrant chocolate degustation juxtaposed beautifully with a comfort crumpet. @thefoodmarshall captures the essence of Koko Black.

@lennytric shares this decadent ultimate raisin toast from Coffee Lab

This passionate pastiche of peppers, chilli and jalapenos from Grill’d earns @bananarama116 a spot in our final this week.

Once again, thank you for sharing Canberra Instagrammers! Our second winner is one week away

Remember, there is no limit to the number of times you can enter. Keep your entries coming through on#northquartercbr and #thisiscanberra with your shots from any of the participating restaurants.

Visit our competition page for more information.