9 May 2019

Fair Trade Food Truck pops up at NewActon

| Alex Tricolas
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The usual lunchtime crowd was sprung with a surprise visit by The Fair Trade Food Truck this afternoon at NewActon. The bright yellow truck parked on the sidewalk, serving a small but delicious selection of South East Asian dishes, all for sale at whatever the customers thought was a fair price.

This little piece of guerilla marketing was part of a campaign by Australian Aid to highlight that the foreign aid budget has recently been cut, and has lost the bi-partisan support it once held. According to Australian Aid, this has dramatically set back our national contribution to the crucial progress of international development.

A worthy cause no doubt, and the food was pretty good too. According to Adam, one of the volunteers at the truck, the food concept is really about reminding us that wherever we may be in the world, we all share a common thread with the rest of humanity, “Nothing makes that statement better than food,” he says. “We all have to eat.” The campaign has been put together with the help of Eat Art Truck, a Sydney based company that specializes in custom catering and events.

The Fair Trade Food Truck will be popping up tomorrow at the ANU, before departing for Melbourne.

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