13 May 2019

At home with Marie Hagerty

| Ashley Feraude

I know this series is called ‘At Home’ and therefore it should be about homes only, right? But I felt so at home in local artist Marie Hagerty’s studio that I just couldn’t help myself; I just had to include it in this series. Plus, it is a part of her home in Hughes, so there you go.

Marie is a true artist. I say ‘true’ because sometimes in autumn when I fling a long scarf over my shoulder I feel like an artist, but that’s not really what we’re talking about here. I’m referring to an accomplished and well-known artist who for decades has been exhibiting work and teaching some lucky students at the ANU School of Art.

I had seen Marie’s work before I saw it displayed at hairdresser Adam Noble’s place in the first of our At Home series. I don’t want to go into her art too much, but her technique of applying paint to a quite specific type of canvas is very appealing in its smoothness and depth, and the subject matter equally clear and intriguing.

Most artists are quite private about their studios and Marie is no exception, yet she made Victor and I very welcome, for which we were very thankful.

I really thought you would enjoy seeing the details of what a full time artist’s workspace looks like. The brushes, the pens, the finished works and those in progress and even the amazing stack of dried up oil pants that has become a work of art in itself. The only thing that I wish we could capture was the smell … a very pleasant mixture of canvas, chalk and paint. I felt all that richer for spending time there.

Words: Ashley Feraude
Images: Victor Tawagi