“I can confidently say that growing up and living in Canberra has inextricably shaped who I am as a person.” – Georgia. Photos: Jade Hansen.
The Edit is a series produced by Jade Hansen that features the people behind some of Canberra’s most note-worthy fashion, beauty and lifestyle offerings.
As Canberra’s population and economy continues to grow so it seems does our entrepreneurial spirit; and as they say “anything is possible when great minds come together!” and bringing “great minds together” is exactly what Georgia, the founder of The Women’s Collective specialises in.
– The Women’s Collective –
So on a very cold and extremely windy (we have photographic evidence) Sunday morning, Georgia and I meet up to talk about her personal connection to Canberra and how her business The Women’s Collective was conceived.
Georgia started The Women’s Collective after identifying the need to connect Canberra’s entrepreneurial community. She is so proud that her one-time conference “…quickly blossomed into a fully fledged community and business” and describes Canberra as an “incredible climate for women in business”.
The success of the Women’s Collective is due to Georgia’s ability to bring people together – she has a way of connecting people, naturally she is thrilled will the business growth and largely credits Canberra women for being so open to the concept of a collective (and our love of networking and connecting). Her business has grown to now include business support, a hub for referrals and resources, events and workshops, and most recently her online course “The A – Z of Business” which runs over six weeks.
The course consists of a daily live presentation with 15-minute video modules with tangible and clear lessons, activities and strategies for growing your business. It has been a game-changer for women that want to grow their business but don’t have the time for labour intensive business development programs. Georgia also hosts networking events in different locations in Canberra, giving small local businesses the opportunity to connect.
-Coming to Canberra-
Born in Sydney, Georiga recalls being ten years old when her mother had some “exciting news” for her, “my first thought was I am getting a baby sister?” Georgia laughs, “but no, we’re moving to Canberra, I was in tears.”
“It’s fair to say Canberra and I didn’t get off on the best foot.”
Fast forward 16 years and Georgia is proud to call Canberra home, “I can confidently say that growing up in Canberra has inextricably shaped who I am as a person. It has provided me with opportunities I believe wouldn’t be possible elsewhere.”

“Canberra and are the best of friends in summer, however, we are mortal enemies in winter”.
-Northsider or Southsider?-
“I’ve lived all around Canberra and have no allegiance to either northside or southside. We started off in Kambah, swapping Sydney traffic of brake lights and bumper to bumper congestion, for quiet streets and watching the Brindabella range out the passenger window. We then had a brief stint in Mawson before leapfrogging over north Canberra and settling in Murrumbateman,” Georgia explains.

“Canberra is the city that shaped me as a child and an adult.”
She surprised herself when her family decided to move back to Sydney and she made to decision to stay in Canberra. “That’s when I realised it had become home for me,” she says, and home is will always be. “I have had so many adventures and wonderful experiences in Canberra, and whilst I am not technically born and bred in Canberra, I heard somewhere that once you’ve been here over 10 years, you can become an honorary Canberran, and that’s a title I will gladly accept.”
Original Article published by Jade Hansen on The RiotACT.