13 May 2019

More swag than a Brodburger? The Brod Pack hits the Hamlet

| Alex Tricolas

May 28 is International Hamburger Day. As such, the good folks at Brod have decided that May 28 is the perfect day to roll out the first of their mouth watering new range of hamburgers, christened The Brod Pack, to be sold exclusively at their bright red van at The Hamlet.

The three burgers that will make up the Brod pack are fittingly known as Frank, Dean and Sammy. The Brod Pack burgers are a little more petit than the regular Brod offers, but packed full of swagger, and they are certain to give the their big siblings from Kingston’s Brodburger a run for their money.

“the star of this Brod Pack of mouth-watering burgers is the mouth-watering bun…”

The three burgers will be rolled out over the coming weeks, starting today with Frank. Owner and master burger creator Sasha Brodbeck says he has channelled classic American burger chains – in another life, Franky may just be a Burger King Whopper; we await to see what inspiration he gets for the rest of the pack as they come on board – and all three variants can be ordered with one, two or three patties.

Fillings aside, the star of this Brod Pack of mouth-watering burgers is the mouth-watering bun – made using a recipe Brodbeck stole from his Swiss aunt, and fashioned (in taste and texture rather than looks) after that country’s famous zopf plaited bread.

Apart from the plaited look of the traditional zopf (which is understandably missing from this bun), its most distinguishing feature is the quite liberal use of butter and milk that results in a luxurious croissant-like taste and a lovely bite-down density – if you’ve been wowed by brioche style buns, you really need to go to the next level with this thing!

Frank, the first of The Brod Pack burgers, is available today and the first 30 burgers are free!
(*Single patty only. Limit one freebie per individual order)