9 May 2019

McKellar Ridge on show at Pulp Kitchen's wine dinner

| Alex Tricolas

Lovers of local wine should not miss Pulp Kitchen’s wine dinner on May 26, when winemaker Brian Johnston of McKellar Ridge will be on hand to run through five of the best drops from his boutique Murrumbateman winery as diners munch their way through a six course degustation.

McKellar Ridge has been producing wines for the past decade. Of their current range, Brian is most excited about the 2013 Shiraz Viognier which will be included in the degustation. “It’s absolutely outstanding,” says Brian of the wine that recently scored 93/100 in a tasting from Wine Showcase magazine.

This is a blend that is coming to define the local region, most notably with Clonakilla’s big time red, and Brian acknowledges their success as an influence. “It’s a style that suits Canberra’s climate,” says Brian.

Brain says he and wife Janet started the winery from scratch on existing “good grape property” in the Murrumbateman area. Interestingly, Brian is a former CSIRO scientist turned winemaker–a tradition going back to the very early days of the Canberra wine industry.

He agrees that it has factored in to our success as a wine region. ” A lot of fine minds have turned their attention to the science of wine making,” he says. He has also co-authored Wines of the Canberra District with Janet, so expect some interesting history and a real knowledge of the region on the night.

The six course degustation menu has been planned by chef Jack Walker to perfectly complement the selection from McKellar Ridge’s current releases, which will also include their 2014 Riesling, 2013 Pinot Noir, the McKellar Ridge Trio from 2012 and the 2014 Sauvignon Blanc.

Tables are available by calling Pulp Kitchen.
See their menu here