10 May 2019

At home with Mitch Thompson

| Ashley Feraude

You can spot Canberra fashion designer Mitch Thompson from a mile away. Mitch is the very definition of distinction, from his impeccable dress-sense to his manner of speech. It’s not surprising Mitch’s label Perpetually Five continues to break boundaries through its child-like imaginative style.

This same style is also dramatically displayed in the aesthetics of his gallery-like Lyneham home. A place so avant-garde, I expected to be asked to leave via the gift shop.

Wherever we pointed the camera there was art, art and more art; all mixed in with bespoke clothes, video games, wacky items and a pair of decks that he shares with his DJ housemate Nick Clarke.

The curved wall in the living room may appear to be wallpapered, however, this artwork took over a year to complete. An artist friend of Mitch’s started it with a simple black texta, adding to it slowly over time. I’m getting hand cramps just thinking about it.
In many ways Mitch’s home is a visual playground. I’m glad I get to play there sometimes.

Photos: Ben Idris
Words: Ashley Feraude