10 May 2019

At home with Bria Sydney

| Ashley Feraude

Despite being very busy running two successful businesses, Elk & Pea and Parlour Wine Room, Bria Sydney still made time for Victor and I to check out her Lyneham home.

I’ve known Bria since her first business venture, Knightsbridge Penthouse was known as Mortis; I’ve DJed countless nights there, watching Bria turning the venue into one of Canberra’s most treasured night spots.

At a time when most bars were modern and minimalist, Bria was turning things on their head, decorating with interesting lights, vintage pieces, creatively mismatched furniture and walls adorned with posters and artworks.

In essence, Bria pre-empted the hipster movement – if she was a guy she would have had a beard and side part combo well before this look made a come back.

Bria shares her home with her husband Ben, their two boys and their very large and friendly dog. At first glance, I can see where the idea for the Knightsbridge fit-out came from. Just like the venue, Bria’s home has a slightly vintage, warm and intimate feel.

The furniture, art, decorated walls and fine details are all relaxed and well spaced within the large living areas and high ceilings. The hard work Bria and Ben committed on renovations has certainly paid off.

I apologised for arriving half way through their lunch preparations. “You’d think because I run two venues I’d be the one doing the cooking”, Bria laughed, “but it’s all Ben.”

That makes sense to me. After all, spending so much time looking after other people means her home becomes a place that is somewhat reversed. This is her quiet sanctuary—a family place—and even though it may remind me of my hazy days at Knightsbridge, it’s really just a reflection of her character.

On the way out, the kids said goodbye, we got a hug from Bria, and the big friendly dog’s tail went into overdrive. I felt so wholesome.

Words: Ashley Feraude
Photos: Victor Tawagi