13 May 2020

Police charity drive brightens Christmas for kids in care

| Michael Weaver
Detective Senior Constable Alex Uren

Kids in Care board member Detective Senior Constable Alex Uren. Photo: Supplied, ACT Policing.

A charity set up by ACT Policing to brighten the Christmas of children in Canberra has again been inundated with gifts during its annual charity drive.

The Kids in Care charity says it has been overwhelmed by the response to the charity drive which ensures every child in crisis and emergency care over the holiday period receives a gift on Christmas Day.

The charity was set up by ACT Policing Detective Sergeant John Giles in 2013 after he and his team attended a job at Christmas time and found four small children who were neglected.

Detective Sergeant Giles sympathised with these children who would not experience Christmas like most. He organised donations of toys to make sure children would receive gifts on Christmas morning.

Beginning with these four children, the Kids in Care charity now provides gifts to many children in need during the holiday period.

Hundreds of presents are set to be handed over again this year, with Kids in Care board member Detective Senior Constable Alex Uren saying they’re confident this will be Kids in Care’s biggest year yet.

“Every year, we’re overcome by the generosity of the Canberra community and local businesses in supporting this wonderful charity,” Detective Senior Constable Uren said.

“Since 2013, Kids in Care has been able to brighten the Christmas of many children across the Canberra region, who are spending the holidays in crisis and emergency accommodation.

“I’d particularly like to thank Icon Water, who has partnered with Kids in Care this year as a major sponsor. Kids in Care relies on the generosity of local businesses and Canberrans to continue their important work.

“I’d like to pass on my heartfelt thanks to everyone who has donated or supported the cause this year, particularly our partners the Australian Federal Police, Rotary, Bunnings, Big W, CYPS [Child and Youth Protection Services], ActewAGL Shop Fyshwick, Vikings Bowls Club, Mix 106.3, National Mailing and Marketing, Projects Assured, Toyworld, Distinct Property Management and countless community members.

“These children’s holidays are brighter thanks to your efforts.”

Learn more at Kids in Care.

Original Article published by Michael Weaver on The RiotACT.