17 May 2019


| Editor

It isn’t often that a burger joint can come along and capture the imagination of a whole city, but that is just what has happened at Brodburger

Now located at the iconic Canberra Glassworks building in Kingston, Brodburger started life as a red gypsy caravan in Bowen Park, owned and operated by Sasha Brodbeck and wife Joelle, along with a small but dedicated team. Within a very short time, the place had gained something approaching cult status, with local residents and office workers queuing for up to an hour to get a taste. Today, they continue to serve the burgerphiles of Canberra; the current location giving this cult hamburger joint the room and resource to deliver a magnificent burger! The secret to success at Brodburger rests on the owner’s insistence on quality ingredient.

‘The secret to success at Brodburger rests on the owner’s insistence on quality ingredient…’

Right from the outset, diners may have found it a novelty to have quality mixed lettuce varieties rather than the customary iceberg, or to be able to choose either blue, brie, Swiss or cheddar cheese. But that, along with premium mince and a perfect bun is what keeps them coming back. The menu, as one would expect, is limited to burgers, along with a few classic side dishes. Nine options are available on the main list, covering beef, lamb, fish and vegetarian. Burgers here are truly substantial, but beyond that, a range of baby burgers is available for kids or those that may just want a nibble. Typical ingredients include premium beef or chicken mince, salmon fillet, home made aioli and relishes, feta and haloumi cheeses, and various quality condiments. In line with the ethos of quality, Brodburger make a point to inform customers that they are not a fast food place, so expect a reasonable wait for your meal.

Canberra Glassworks
11 Wentworth Avenue Kingston
02 6162 0793
See website

Tue – Sat 11.30am – 3pm
Sun 12pm – 4pm
Tue – Sat 5.30pm – Late
(Coffee / Cakes from 10am)

Hamburger restaurant

Fully licensed