27 August 2019

Scouting volunteers recognised for contribution to ACT youth

| Michael Weaver

A large number of Scouts ACT leaders have received awards as part of the 2019 World Scout Day Awards. Photo: Supplied by Scouts ACT.

Leaders and supporters of Scouts ACT have been recognised by the Chief Scout of Australia, General Peter Cosgrove (Retd), for their dedicated voluntary service to young people through the Scouting movement.

Scouts ACT Chief Commissioner Rick Goode said 59 adult leaders and supporters in the ACT received awards as part of World Scout Day on August 1.

The date celebrates the very first Scout Camp held in 1907 on Brownsea Island, southern England, by the Founder of the Scouting Movement, Lord Robert Baden-Powell. This simple beginning resulted in the worldwide Scouting movement of 40 million members from 216 countries and territories.

Nearly 2,500 Scouts are in the ACT.

Mr Goode said that every year, leaders and supporters of Scouting devote thousands of hours to the development and well-being of young people.

“Their reward is simply the satisfaction of knowing that their efforts are reflected in the positive development and growth of young people as they take their place as responsible citizens in our community,” Mr Goode said.

“Some are active leaders and wear a Scout uniform, while others work in the background, raising funds, supporting youth programs and maintaining equipment. But everyone helps make Scouting the great organisation it is.

“Without these adult volunteers, the many opportunities we offer our youth members wouldn’t be possible. The major events, trips and adventurous activities that make scouting unique are reliant on the extra effort from our leaders and adult helpers, and I am extremely pleased we can recognise them in this way,” Mr Goode said.

Just three of the Scouts adults recognised for their dedication include:

Dee Major, Cub Scout Leader at Wanniassa Scout Group, awarded the Silver Emu Award, for distinguished service. Dee’s devotion to Scouts extends beyond two decades and has made a significant impact on the successful development of many Cub leaders in the ACT. Dee is the primary leader for two units and continues to provide wonderful opportunities for the development of Cub Scouts. Dee has also been integral to the introduction of the new badge and programming system across all sections in scouting.

Kathryn Kasmarik, Cub Scout Leader at 13th Canberra Scout Group, was awarded the Meritorious Service Award. Kathryn’s enthusiasm, ideas and willingness to give everything a go in the youth program extends to Cub Scouts across all areas in support of the leadership team.

Claire Konno, a Scout Leader for more than four years with the Air Scouts Canberra Group was awarded the Special Service Award. Claire has received high praise for her leadership of the Scout unit, where her energy, drive and leadership has supported the development of Air Scouts Canberra.

Full list of the ACT recipients of the 2019 World Scout Day Awards:

Special Service Award:

  • Darryl Barbour (ACT Branch Headquarters)
  • Daniel Bartlett (ACT Branch Headquarters)
  • David Bolton (13th Canberra Scout Group)
  • Tracy Cullen (Lake Ginninderra Sea Scout Group)
  • Paul De Fombelle (Les Explorateurs Scout Group)
  • Georgia Elliott (Lake Ginninderra Rover Crew)
  • Russell Gillon (Birralee Scout Group)
  • Philip Greaves (Weston Scout Group)
  • Timothy Griffiths (Stromlo Forest Scout Group)
  • Ephraim Grunhard (13th Canberra Scout Group)
  • Steve Harney (Lake Burley Griffin Sea Scouts)
  • Eleanor Hewitt (Lake Ginninderra Rover Crew)
  • Fern Hyde (Lake Burley Griffin Sea Scouts)
  • Alison Kelly (Amaroo Scout Group)
  • Stuart Kilduff (Crowajingalong Scout Group)
  • Claire Konno (Air Scouts Canberra)
  • Jane Lofts (Weston Scout Group)
  • Jerremy Lofts (Weston Scout Group)
  • Karen Logue (Mt Rogers Scout Group)
  • Ross MacDonald (Mt Taylor Scout Group)
  • Jonathon McLaren (Majura Mountain Scouts Group)
  • Robert McLaughlin (Lake Tuggeranong Sea Scout Group)
  • Gino Monteleone (ACT Branch Headquarters)
  • Todd Piper (Weston Scout Group)
  • Jay Reid (Birralee Scout Group)
  • Samantha Roald (Lake Ginninderra Sea Scout Group)
  • Kim Roantree (Air Scouts Canberra)
  • Peter Shea (Lake Burley Griffin Sea Scouts)
  • Roy Velting (Weston Rover Crew)
  • Grant Williams (Lake Tuggeranong Sea Scout Group)
  • Louise Wilson (Mulga Scout Group)
  • Shannon Woodward (Majura Mountain Scouts Group)
  • Chris Wright (Lake Tuggeranong Sea Scout Group)

Rover Service Award:

  • Lizz Affleck (Bethungra Rover Crew)
  • Felicity McNeice (Bethungra Rover Crew)

Meritorious Service Award:

  • Stephanie Borst (German Australian Pfadfinder Scout Group)
  • Mark Cooper (Badimara Scout Group)
  • James Daly (Lake Tuggeranong Sea Scout Group)
  • Jayme Davis (Amaroo Scout Group)
  • Megan Hayes (Erindale Scout Group)
  • Morten Jammer (German Australian Pfadfinder Scout Group)
  • Kathryn Kasmarik (13th Canberra Scout Group)
  • Ian Kennedy (Macarthur Scout Group)
  • James Lehane (ACT Branch Headquarters)
  • Peter Lezaich (Badimara Scout Group)
  • Chris Long (ACT Branch Headquarters)
  • Jenny Major (Wanniassa Scout Group)
  • Franklin Mills (13th Canberra Scout Group)

Silver Wattle:

  • Peter Birch (Lake Tuggeranong Sea Scout Group)
  • Doug Jackson (Lake Tuggeranong Sea Scout Group)
  • Leon Mason (ACT Branch Headquarters)

Silver Koala:

  • Peter Davey (ACT Branch Headquarters)

Silver Emu:

  • Judith Ascione (Diamantina Scout Group)
  • Elizabeth Davey (Diamantina Scout Group)
  • Dee Major (Wanniassa Scout Group)

Silver Kangaroo:

  • Peter Brown (Badimara Scout Group)
  • Michael McDonell (ACT Branch Headquarters)

Find out more on the ACT Scouts website.

Original Article published by Michael Weaver on The RiotACT.