Whilst Thai restaurants in the inner south have multiplied in recent times – mostly due to the onslaught of new places offering Thai at the shiny new foreshore – Thai Chiang Rai remains a must try destination.
Sure enough, Thai Chiang Rai occupies a space in ‘old’ Kingston that one may call slightly dated in its décor, but this is of little note. If consistently good, authentic and sometimes unique dishes are what you are after, put this one on your list. Whilst many Thai food tragics are drawn to Thai Chiang Rai by the usual and very well executed array of stir fries such as ever popular pad Thai, those in the know come seeking owner and chef Noy Phachantharong’s list of house specials. Typical to his repertoire is aubergine stuffed with chicken, prawn and crabmeat and topped with black bean sauce. Or stir-fried prawns, infused with five flavours of spices, served on crispy deep fried noodles. Or deep-fried whole fish, cooked in chu-chi sauce and sitting almost upright on a salad bed of green mango, apples and cashews. As for one aforementioned Thai Chiang Rai interior, it remains surprisingly warm and cosy for such a large space. Ceilings are high and interior details are painted in blue and yellow with bold touches of red. Walls are adorned with gorgeous handmade golden tapestries and the odd authentic item, and updated plate-ware serves to present new creations and old favourites in their best light in this inner south institution.
3 / 48 Giles Street Kingston
02 6232 6999
See website
LUNCH Mon – Fri 12 – 2.30pm
DINNER 7 nights 5pm – late
Entrée $9.9 – 14.9
Mains $16.9 – 29.9
Banquets $30.0 – 60.0
Fully licensed
BYO charge applies